Once you enter Shreyas, we hope you will find the time and space to focus on your journey of self discovery. Our rate structure is hopefully transparent and you should know the likely cost of your stay at the outset. These rates include stay, meals, beverages, group yoga sessions and use of all facilities. Guests may customize their stay on arrival by adding activities that suit their objectives (private sessions or massages etc).
Many guests have commented the all inclusive policy has enabled them to focus on the activities at Shreyas and appreciated that similar rated luxury hotels have many add-on charges that can substantially add to the total cost of their stay.
click here for information on our Packages
Single US$360
Double US$480
Single US$360
Double US$480
Single US$550
Double US$680
US$750 (for 5 Guests)
* Exclusive of 10% service charges and appliclabe taxes